Whether it be because by social condition and gender expectation-the male is supposed to be the provider of his castle, relationship, [and even expected during his first-date courtship……………of which he will have plenty], does that mean he should earn more money than a woman? Is that the reasoning behind such a thing being so?
Although the “complaining” of the wage earning gap between men and woman sounds primitive as forever ago ever, the fact of the matter is: it’s still an issue.
And like every day that Twitter delegates a “day” (i.e: #takeyourdogtoworkday, #bestieswholikethesamefoodday etc.) it’s no wonder that there really is such a day called #EqualPayDay.
Do scroll up to see the funny video by our friends at Buzzfeed-about a woman who (once she finds out she is paid less for the same job) means serious business about literally working commensurate to (by comparison of her male colleague) the percentage that she is actually paid for.
It’s hilarious.
As well, in case you didn’t know, celebrity women like:
Kerry Washington
Sophia Bush
Amy Poehler
Chelsea Clinton
Lena Dunham
Sarah Silverman
Mariska Hargitay
Maria Shriver
…and more, are involved in a campaign called #Ask4More where the goal and premise of the campaign is to push women to ask for more as its motto is:
You don’t get what you deserve, you get what you ask for.
The campaign asserts that to not ask is worse and that the worst you can be told is ‘no.’
It’s better to have asked and been told ‘no’ than to not have asked at all
Although that sounds a bit like “better to have loved than to never have loved at all,” the same thing still stands: as women, we have to learn to love and value ourselves for the equal amount of contribution we put into the same work as men.
For help in assisting you in just how, to go about taking hold of your financial future, with the help of a few celebrities and other everyday women, #Ask4more put together a few videos to help you get started and on your the way, along the way: