Month: 11 years ago

Posted in ALL write-ups, blogs, and pods at Music: Pop Culture Music: Rap Culture

EMINEM EXTENDS OFFER TO BEIBER: “Clean Up Your Act & We Can Put it on Wax!”

  Although later into his career through now and here lately; over the past few years, we never hear much from…

Posted in ALL write-ups, blogs, and pods at Music: Pop Culture

CHRIS BROWN PROBATION REVOKED: That Notorious Incident with Rihanna Continues to Take the ‘Take You Down’ Singer Down.

Whether Chris Brown and Rihanna still have eyes one another or no, the hands and the eyes of the law…

Posted in ALL write-ups, blogs, and pods at Entertainment (non-music) Entertainment: Popular Culture (Reality Television)

KIM KARDASHIAN Releases Most Adorable New Pic of Baby NORTH WEST……But Plucked Her Brows!?

 Today, Kimmy Kardan posted one of THEE most adorable pictures of baby North West that just ought to be a…