Month: 11 years ago

Posted in ALL write-ups, blogs, and pods at Music: Pop Culture Music: RnB Culture

So What! Pop Star PINK Propositioned For 75K…

She already knows the game, and the pop star has already sang: “I don’t wanna meet on a lonely street…

Posted in ALL write-ups, blogs, and pods at Entertainment: Popular News Music: Pop Culture Music: RnB Culture

BEYONCE Takes a Shot at Target By Slashing Prices at Walmart–Literally!

   Call it what you want to, or just call it art imitating logo, but Target’s symbol got put to…

Posted in ALL write-ups, blogs, and pods at Entertainment (non-music) Entertainment: Popular News Entertainment: Sports culture

GABRIELLE UNION’S Union: The “Being Mary Jane” Actress Will Soon Be “Being Mrs. Wade!”

  The struggle relationship of all Black Hollywood that consistently sends those gums-a-bumpin’ and blogs-a-thumping, can finally have several seats _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/…