WILLOW SMITH Back w/a Style All Her Own, Performs At The Fader Fort & Holds Her Own

“They teach you to just go to school, go to college, and then get a job,” [and subsequently] “repress creativity,” 

…Out of the mouths of babes (as they say).

That’s was enough there, for me to know that she got her taste of the world that we all think is “life.” And it is, but not for a “creative.” I said a “creative,” not just somebody who wants to be rich or famous, but: a “creative.” One who hones in on a talent or skill to perfect it and bring it to fruition. As one, I can vouch for that lesson learned from that growing child: 9-5 and the mundane game of life for [creatives are spirit-killers]. They wipe you out and (whatever’s left of your time and mind after they’re through with you) you have to fight for the energy to pick back up on the art (after the 9-5 world war).

Willow Smith struts down the street as she leaves her hotel in NYC with a helper holding onto her dogYou stick out like a sore thumb, you don’t fit in. That world sniff your free spirit-and won’t like it. It is (and I quote her) “one of the worse experiences of your life.”

She knows.

She’s been there, done that.

Back to life, back to reality dreams.

Gold star for Willow.

willow-smith-435Parents just DOn’t understand:

“She has a magic power in the family… There’s something really incendiary about a 12-year-old girl who says and does what she wants,” said her famous dad:  Will Smith

So off to Brooklyn-they let her.

Willow Smith performed… for the first time in three years in front of a crowd twice and three times her age.

She connected with them and held her own.

In an interview with The Fader, the little kid grown up to be an individual in every sense of the word, strong sense of self and clear lenses looking out into the world stated:

I’m transitioning from being someone I thought I was to, like, ‘Wait, that’s not me,’ she said, adding:

“I wanna transcend personality. I wanna transcend all of that and go into a higher state of being.”

Well, Willow Smith has certainly transitioned.

And her first time out the gate since whipping her hair back and forth, she’s back.


No, she’s not too grown to beg…beg your pardon and allow her to whip her short hair back and forth–and give it to you four years later in a way that matches her personal eclectic style.

She’s not that “little kid” we all thought we

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .