Overzealous Cop Put On Leave For Crashing Pool Party + Using Excessive Force on Teens

made its way on to the Internet today.

The cop has since been placed on leave pending investigation.

*deep sigh.

This made me soooooooooo many ways angry. I don’t have words…and I’m rarely at a loss for words….

All I have to say now is in the form of a question…for Chet Hanks. Do you still want to be black? Because this is the kind of stuff “being black” has to go through. Stuff JUST like this, and on varying levels and forms, at various places in black lives at work, home, recreation-everywhere–in different forms, but handled like this beneath [and most times at/on] the surface.

File:  blacklivesmatter

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .