Search Results for: oklahoma
Say His Name, Say Her Shame: Tulsa Oklahoma Cop Betty Shelby Charged With First Degree Manslaughter Of TERENCE CRUTCHER
It’s the law of physics: Two of any persons, places, or things done (or said) can’t occupy the same space…
OSFMagWriter 8 years ago
Amid Needing Roadservice, Tulsa Oklahoma Father Terence Crutcher Shot By Officer Betty Shelby
Regardless whether or not you watch the video from an aerial angle or right at it, …one fact is…
OSFMagWriter 8 years ago
WAKA FLOCKA Cancels Show Scheduled At University of Oklahoma Amid Racist Sigma Alpha Epsilon Frat Chant Gone Viral The reality is, while you have the right to feel what you feel, say, (and sing) what you want…
OSFMagWriter 10 years ago