BILL’s Binders Full of Women: What 15th Victim JANICE DICKINSON’s Stepping Forward Does for the Victims (And To Cosby)

Bill’s distant, tucked away past-no…this time, it came from a popular celebrity:

“I’m doing this because it’s the right thing to do, and it happened to me, and this is the true story.”

dickinson_cosbyJanice Dickinson (now 59) says that at aged 27 (upon leaving rehab in Bali) Bill Cosby flew her out to his Lake Tahoe home under the guise of offering her a job on his popular show The Cosby Show. In addition to that, he promised to help Dickinson out with her singing career-explaining that (at his home) they had dinner and Cosby gave her a glass of red wine and a pill (after her telling him she was having menstrual cramps. That pill turned out to being something that put her to sleep (rather than Tylenol).images

Dickinson claims that when she woke up in the morning, she had semen between her legs.

images (7)Janice Dickson was then, a popular model in the 80s but is most known [in our generations] from being the outspoken firecracker of a judge on Tyra Bank’s America’s Next Top Model, and having done some realities shows. download (1)

Reportedly, it is on record that Janice Dickinson didn’t just come out the woodwork within the past twenty four hours or so ago-jumping on the bandwagon of the two women this month of November [alone] who just brought forth their allegationsimages (1).

According to Janice, she told Howard Stern (way back in a 2006 interview) that in her 2002 book No Lifeguard on Duty: The Accidental Life of the World’s First Supermodel she was going to write about what happened but for fear of lawsuits (and the power behind “Bill Cosby”), she was made to omit that part [as advised by the publisher Harper-Collins]-they didn’t want to touch that. She went on to tell Howard Stern:

“I don’t want to get near that…because I don’t have the ‘sheckles’ that you do or that Cosby does…”


What This Means For The Women Involved Bill’s Victims….These Binders Full of Women:

binders full of women 2



Although Dickinson doesn’t have the “sheckles” that Cosby or Stern has, what she does have is the power of ‘celebrity.’

What you (the public) have to know–with your mounting questions about “why [did it take] so long for these women to come forward,” and where are the rape report evidences and such, you people do not understand that no matter how serious the crime, before the Internet and thirst for the nearest freakshow/sensationalist story; NO ONE would dare listen to you tell anything about a popular (well-paid) celebrity and support you on it or let your story be told on their platform or through their media outlet. No how, no way! Look how big publisher Harper Collins did semi-big celebrity Janice Dickinson as late as 2002 (before the Internet moved into big ole social media—where you could build your own platform)…

Before the Twitters, Facebooks, and Instagrams, not even the truth mattered when it’s about a celebrity. Then (back in the Barbara Bowman and Joan Tarpis’ times) no one would/will listen (or report it-even with semen proof). They just won’t/wouldn’t touch it-even with facts or whispers of other victims.

1414170813576_wps_25_Barbara_Bowman_one_of_BilNow with the Internet and access to the public and the media being available to anybody with just the setup of a free account online, those women and people (like her Bowman and Tarpis), are able to get their stories out.

That’s not to say they will get their stories taken seriously because understand something, unlike back before the Internet, media outlets (nowadays) will take a story like such (simply because it is good for ratings and too, could upgrade a journalists career–with hot stories as such).

So nowadays, (considering these victims already put it out there online) media outlets will go behind that and allow them airtime and online blog spots while meticulously being careful to make footprints ONLY where the victim has already gone (and put it out there).

But with a celebrity like Janice Dickinson coming forth (yet again) telling her story of having the same thing being done to her/being the 15th Cosby victim, those women will now be taken a little more seriously (versus being a good radio drive-time subject or used to a good story and shock value for TV ratings and career upgrades).

(Have at what I wrote in my own book about such a thing from this point: down through to the very first random excerpt break. Ironically, I explain about such a thing in great detail in a section of my 2013 published novel called “Friend Request Intercepted.” I promise it will enlighten you)

At any rate.

 Did Life Eventually Imitate Art for Cosby?

Although circumstantial, states social media evidence turned up some old audio of Bill Cosby doing stand up in segment he called

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .