Leftover Turkey Taquitos: Let Genevieve Lopez and MORRIS DAY Show You What To Do With The Bird

Let’s nip this thing in the bud bone right now.

The morning after (same dilemma): What to do with what’s left of this bird?

Is that turkey looking like a carcass straight from the National Geographic or Discovery Channel right about now?

leftover bird


Never your fear, OSF’s food channel is here. And we’ve got just the recipe for your leftover, plucked bird from fellow Mexican food junkie and foodie Genevieve Lopez.

So grab that shredded cheese and tortillas and let’s get squawking and carving while she (and Morris Day atop) show’s us just what to do with the bird:




Artist atop OSF big screen: Morris Day and The Time “The Bird” (from Motion Picture/Prince “Purple Rain”)

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .