“To Kill A Mockingbird”‘s HARPER LEE Dies At 89: “Honey, I’ve Already Said Everything I Had To Say”


Cbn_JdDW4AAq_LDserious writer who writes and provokes thought, contemplation or consideration): “One advantage of being a writer (versus not being one) is having the opportunity to bring to life (even after death) the real 61q3gcw2H5L._UX250_meaning of the words: ‘I have spoken.’”

Considering the fact that, as per Oprah today, I learned that such a prolific writer actually said to her-that same sentiment; it makes me know that perhaps I (a babe in the woods by comparison to Harper) was on to something.

Well Harper’s legacy will certainly live on…


…and as the people of her hometown of 6200 did in life, they will continue to protect her legacy as she rests.

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Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .