Just so you now, as of 7:30p EST, there was no word on the dress: who made it (and all the other deets about it).
The fact of the matter is: Serena Williams worked it.
The 6x Wimbledon was the belle of the Wimbledon Champion’s ball tonight where she stunned and shook the room and the cameras in it, wearing a floor-length powdered pink sleeveless and diamond encrusted upper bodice formal dress.
The ball is held annually at the Guildhall in London where it used to be tradition that its men champions and its lady champions would dance for one song but that tradition was discontinued years ago seeing as though Serena or Venus would most probably (predictably) be the lady champions year after year. That being the case, they just did away with that being a practice and traditional part of the ceremony.
Oh to hell with rules.
Novak Djokovic (the male Wimbledon champion winner today) mentioned that he wanted to dance with Serena at tonight’s ball.
I’m guessing as more deets are released about the night, we shall find out, right?
Earlier tonight however, this was Serena’s selfie-getting dolled up by her glam squad:
And later, towards the end of the night before the clock struck 12:
Did they dance?