ACLU and these Republicans gavel wrestle in circuit courts, You: plug in-look at it like this:
It’s still July.
The election is in November.
Starting today, take some time out of your day to go to the board of elections and make sure you are not purged (or purge-able) and instead, are all set and ready to vote in November—don’t wait until the 11th hour in November (or even October) to do it. Do it now. That way, as of today, even if you are one of the purged (or purge-able), taking care of updating your voter registration information and getting you “reactivated” (today), will trump that “purge-able” bracket of time.
My thinking is like this:
A Tesla’s gon’ Tes (nice but, no thanks, it’s my life so, I’ll keep my hands on the wheel and drive)
Haters gon’ hate (no worries, everyday I grow great-so stay tuned, there’s more to torture you for).
Potatoes gon’ Potate (what you eat doesn’t make me fat so, I’m gon’ keep ‘cookin’ over here, regardless)
…all that said, gavels and courts are gonna gavel and court.
Take care of your own business and get on your grind while the gavel grinding is going on.
Even if you are purged, you can’t be “banned” from voting.
Simply: re-register.
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