Due To “Purge” Laws, Many OHIO VOTERS May Be Not Able To Vote – Here’ s Why (And How You Can Work Around That)

Just in time when Trump gets a “modest boost” in Ohio after the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, something funky happens.

If you exercise your right to vote, or even know just a little bit about politics, then you know that Ohio is a very necessary solution-it’s a “swing” state.

Related reading: Union support for Rob Portman ignite Ohio Democrat fears

The “problem” with that is, if you don’t regularly exercise your right to vote…let’s say…you haven’t in the past 3 elections (but you just so happen to want to-this upcoming election in November) then it’s necessary you know that your name and voter registration information may have swung out of the election systems (period).vote-ohio
Given the technical name “purged,” the federal appeals court panel is hearing the case of the lawsuit filed by the ACLU, brought forth in an effort to get that ridiculousness purged. Just because someone hasn’t voted in the past 3 elections doesn’t mean they may not want to this election.

Reportedly, just last month, a federal judge rejected the lawsuit, asserting that Ohio’s “procedures” ensure the integrity of its election process.

Not sure if that means that if you are a some-a-time voter (rather than a consistent voter), your voter integrity is called to the carpet because you only show your face when essential, tight, controversial Dem-Repub races are at stake (i.e Bush, Obama and now: Trump), but there’s no reason to assume it means anything other than that-flat out.

Today, attorneys for Ohio’s ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) will stand before a 3-judge panel of the 6th Circuit U.S Court of Appeals to get this “purge” process overturned.

The lawsuit is referred to as “wasteful” by Republican Secretary of State Jon Husted who asserts the purge process has been used in Ohio for over 20 years and is in full compliance with the constitution and federal and state laws.

What this all means:

Like anything else in life, take care of your priorities and plan ahead. Make all necessary phone calls, visits, and cross all t’s, dot all i’s on paperwork before the 11th hour to ensure no obstacles present themselves along the way.

Whether it be voting or other life priorities, the difference in what is unlawful v. how successful your battle is, is often times your own willingness to not be lazy minded and a procrastinator when it comes to taking care of things that matter and affect your life.

A lot of things (like this) come with a way around it.

I’m a master and strategic connoisseur of kicking down doors and looking for ways around everything from shade, shun, to politics. I don’t eff around with effing around with me. I will, and always do (win) around all shade, shun and doors. I always look for, dig at, and work my way out to that peep of sun and light to find my way (and won’t look back). I do not play with people or systems playing with my time and me.

Let that be a lesson.

All that said, while the

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .