Robin Thicke is kinda-sorta put back into my good graces while I chose to fantasize and rest on the notion that perhaps his recent cancellations for his next few shows [reportedly for throat problems] is actually because of all the kicking and screaming and begging his wife: Paula Patton back.
The newly single singer was reportedly forced to cancel two weekend concerts at Universal Studios in Orlando where he was scheduled to take part in the theme park’s Mardi Gras celebrations. As well, he was due to kickoff the U.S leg of his “Blurred Lines” tour in Atlanta this coming Friday however, the gig was postponed until March 17 due to “vocal problems.” As of yet, there is no word as to whether or not Thicke will be well enough to honor the commitment of his next show scheduled in Cherokee, N.C next Tuesday. Hopefully, all these cancellations are because of his interest in patching things up with wifey in an effort to honor the commitment he made to her, too [2005].
As a real fan of the Robin Thicke of old (2003)-back when Andre Harrell sat up on VH1’s station trying to sell the world on this long-haired white boy with a good singing voice and a lot of soul-I was sold on it.
I’ll never forget the day that moving oxymoron happened: This long-haired white boy with a bob haircut come riding through the streets of New York City on a bike: a mountain bike bike–singing cocky lyrics like: “And ’cause ‘ya walk pretty. Cause’ ya talk pretty. And ya make me sick. And I’m-not-leavin,’ ’til you’re leavin’. Oh I swear there’s something when she’s pumpin’ askin’ for a raise.” And: “Baby girl you’ the SH!T—that makes you my equivalent. You can keep your toys in the drawer tonight.”
I mean…was floored. I was sold-completely sold on the fact that R & B was actually WHO this white guy was—no gimmicks and fu(kery.
It took a long time for him to get here-to this 2013/2014 point-and I watched him every step of the way and climb.
As I got into his story a little more (back in the days when message boards where the thing-no Twitter’s and Facebooks etc.), I was tickled the learn that he was the son of Robin Thicke (the actor) and who strongly suggesting his son Robin not choose R&B as his drug of choice but as I listened to Robin Thicke, I knew his dad didn’t understand: He didn’t “choose” R&B, R& B chose him.
He continued to score more points with me when not only did I lose lots of weight working out to “When I Get You Alone,” but in 2005 that same long-haired white boy had cut his hair and crept back onto the music scene singing a song to me that felt like it tickled my entire body when I would listen to it-I couldn’t get enough of “Lost Without You” –[couldn’t help myself. That’s how it’d feel. Know that I loved it baby].
People started to take notice, and my being his only fan was no more. 🙂
Even cuter at the time was the fact that we all learned he had a high-school sweetheart that he had been with since age 14 years-old: Paula Patton (a some-a-time) actress who we all didn’t know very well, but we knew of her some [of the] time from a few popular movies here and there.
After the popular hit “Lost Without You,” took off, Robin’s career, and all that he had been working towards, seemed to suddenly come to fruition and from there, he and long-time girlfriend Paula tied the knot (in 2005) and together bared fruit:
A son named Julian-born in 2010.
Thicke’s on record as expressing (about his wife and long-time love): “I knew she was special the night I met her. I was only 14, but she was already the most special girl,” he told Star magazine just this past September. “As a relationship progresses, you fall in love again in so many deeper ways. You realize that you need each other and you can’t live without each other.”
That very same month, Paula was gushing about her husband (and the marriage) with matching sentiment: “He loves me so much and the feeling is mutual,” she said. “The best is when you love someone deeply and those feelings are equally returned. Also, Robin is really there for me. When times are good or bad or sad or happy or boring, just having somebody by your side to help you through means everything. I know I can count on him standing right next to me always.”
Early last year, Thicke dropped a hot song that plastered the R&B charts with a song produced by a genius impresario producing phenom who goes the by name of Pharrell.
The “Blurred Lines” hit do just that: blur the lines of any and all the R & B competition that followed. He ran the charts. He could do no-wrong…well… that was until the trappings of fame ran all up, on, and through the crooners life.
The entire year of the hot song and sexy video to match seemed to call out countless groupies and wild party goers who were caught on camera at many-a parties with Thicke—leaving pictured evidence saying well over a thousand words to millions of gossiping mouths about what could have happened, may have happened and (allegedly) did happen.
As gossip blogs and the media would tell it, these things may have been the demise of their relationship and may very well be reason for the once fruition turned rotten season behind Patton separating from Thicke after nine years of marriage.
A (joint) statement was issued [to People Magazine on Monday February 24] however, saying: “We will always love each other and be best friends, however, we have mutually decided to separate at this time.”
Well, we at Other Side of the Fame wish the best for the long-time couple and in hopes that a lesson (for anyone) can be found in this: The lure, illusion, and trappings of fame-when the nighttime subsides and the sun comes out, is nothing BUT blurred lines in comparison to what’s real, true, and always been there with and for you. And hopefully, that copout of an excuse as the reasons for canceling his upcoming concerts were really because he wanted to be up in Canada on location with his wife-doing a new movie, and making and effort to personally tickle and serenade “Lost Without You” THIS time…for their new movie, their love, and their life.