Posted in ALL write-ups, blogs, and pods at Entertainment: Television Shows, Talk Shows, Sitcoms, Dramas, Made for TV Movies

Grey Areas: ISAIAH WASHINGTON’s Return Back to GREY’S ANATOMY After Homophobic Slur In Lieu of HEIGL’s Hike & Humble Pie

 If you remember, Isaiah Washingon’s infamous swan song and exit from Grey’s Anatomy was less than stellar after making homophobic…

Posted in ALL write-ups, blogs, and pods at Music: Pop Culture

MILEY & KATY’s Kiss, Diss (and Dismiss)

    Well she said she SANG she “kissed a girl and she liked it,” but don’t be fooled. If you…

Posted in ALL write-ups, blogs, and pods at Music: Pop Culture Music: RnB Culture

MICHAEL JACKSON Lovechild: Does He Have a Brother from Another Mother, or Was “Billie Jean” Really His Lover?

Aw man homie. My mind’s playing tricks on me.     Art may have been an imitation of life for Michael…