President OBAMA Urged To Revoke BILL COSBY’s ‘Metal of Freedom’ – How (Given His Recent Troubles) Keeping It Is Really a Reminder of Just How Free BILL COSBY Is Not
It used to be a time when I would get highly annoyed that the president would be speaking about un-presidential…
OSFMagWriter 10 years ago
Hearse Seen Backing In To Tent Found At Rear of Facility Where BOBBI KRISTINA Lay To Rest
Wednesday July 15, a mysterious white tent was put up at the rear entrance of Peachtree Christian Hospice Center…
OSFMagWriter 10 years ago
Stunting or What? Is This It For DRAYA & COWBOYS’ ORLANDO SCANDRICKs Scandal For the Final, Final Time? + What DRAYA’s Doing Right (And What DRAYA’s Doing Wrong)
Day by day this “Basketball Wives” star Draya v. Orlando Scandrick wrangle and circus is turning up to scandalous levels…
OSFMagWriter 10 years ago