SEAN PENN Sues EMPIRE’s LEE DANIELS + PEN’s Letter To MADONNA & Attends “Rebel Heart” Concert Where She Commixed To Strumming His Pain w/Her Fingers and…Reciting Their Life…w/His Words {Video}
Considering the wildly successful FoxTV show: Empire …to its co-creator (Lee Daniels), 10 million bucks may very well be…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago
MATTHEW KNOWLES Shows Up On BEYONCE’s Birthday Well-Wish List, Interviews w/INSIDE EDITION Claiming No Bad Blood Because, Why?
If it’s anything that’ll stop you in your tracks and make you turn around like girls interrupted like Sofia’s sisters…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago
Times, Places, and Ways To Appear “Humble” (If You’re Naturally Not) Without Selling Yourself Short, Seeming Fake (or Looking Pathetic & Desperate)
If there’s any best ways to put it, it’d be built on knowing that confidence is arrogance tamed and under…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago