Is This Flint Water Crisis A Modern Day ERIN BROCKOVICH Movie? – PRES. OBAMA Increases Aid From $5 to $80 Mill, Head of MICHIGA EPA Resigns
Great, wonderful, effective, sad (and even strange) things are happening in this Flint Water Crisis. Great in that people are taking…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago
“Noisy” Guys Playing Basketball in the Street Prompts 911 Call That ‘Backfires’ When Gainesville, Florida Cop Shows Up Shooting
In this day we’re living in, if I can take a bunch of stinky, sweaty testosterone filled boys and teens…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago
The Future of Boarding Pass Implant Chips Is Now – Is It Worth Bypassing The Airport Security Hassle To You?
Let’s face it. No matter how necessary it is, security measures performed and taken at the airport can be the…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago