EARTH, WIND & FIRE’S MAURICE WHITE Dead At 74, What Exactly Did “Earth, Wind & Fire” Mean? What Did He Left Behind
If Phillip Bailey was the voice of Earth, Wind, and Fire, then Maurice White was its face. The sunshine-faced and…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago
Mosque Visit Subject of American Scorn As President BARACK OBAMA & FLOTUS Seek To Rid All of “Islamphobia”
No… that’s not the president Obama preparing to show’em how it’s done: cutting the rug, dancing the “Dab.” And no,…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago
MCDONALDS Swap Books For Happy Meal Toys – How These Book Character Theme Boomarkers + MCDONALDS Can Get Kids To Love Reading Over Toys
A knew a girl, great mom she was. And when it came down to her son and proper discipline I…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago