Search Results for: BET

Posted in ALL write-ups, blogs, and pods at Entertainment: Hot Button Topics Entertainment: Popular Culture (Lifestyles, Social Media, Worldwide Popular Culture) Entertainment: Popular News

George Zimmerman Retweets Pic of His Handiwork on Killing Trayvon Martin Dead + Ways and Why He’ll Never Reveal The Private Hell He’s Suffering & Why You Should Leave Him The Hell Alone

  After harassing, and cruisin’ for that bruisin’ he was asking for and still, three years later, feeling the sting…

Posted in ALL write-ups, blogs, and pods at CH6: Money/Business Tips, Gems, Hacks, and Resources for a better quality of life + other informative news you can use!

How Habits, Rituals & Routines Indirectly Aid in Success of Our Creative, Professional and/or Personal Lives + 30 CEO’s Daily Rituals – What Are Yours?

We’ve all heard the saying “doing the same thing/s over and over and expecting different results is the definition of…

Posted in ALL write-ups, blogs, and pods at CH8: Dating, Sex, Intimacy, Love and Relationship Reality Checks Entertainment: Popular Culture (Reality Television)

Stuff Women Hate: Getting Dumped By That Guy We Hung In There With Although He Wasn’t ‘Hung’ + Why I Hate For Men To Read This Blog

I hate talking about stuff like this in male’s eye view because believe it or not, men are more emotional…