According to our friends over at Women’s Health Magazine, Oprah Winfrey will adorn the cover of September’s O Magazine rocking a catsuit, unitard, leotard, or whatever you wish to call it; bottom line [to top]: she’s working it! After feeling apprehensive about it at first, Oprah’s actually feeling good about it-telling Hearst PR during the cover shoot:
“I’m feeling pretty phenomenal on this cover. I was a little apprehensive about doing this cover in a bodysuit because, as Maya Angelou says in her ‘Phenomenal Woman,’ ‘I’m not built to suit a fashion model size.’ But it’s like something I’ve never done, it’s really kind of exciting.”
Appropriately festive for [the change of season] the occasion, and the theme of the magazine’s September issue “Makeovers: Transform Your Life One Easy Tweak at a Time,” Oprah (usually fully clothed and on the cover of every O magazine cover) expressed:
“The best way I know for sure to stay in steady makeover mode is to take care of yourself,” writes Oprah in the issue. “…to feed yourself with love and loving thoughts. To eat food that’s delicious to you and your body. To engage in loving practices, like giving yourself the gift of stillness at least five minutes a day. To surround yourself with people who bring you light-and to banish all forms of negative energy.”
Spitfire .
Media Maestro .
Writing Rhinoceros .