Nothing But Debt Can Keep Me From It: Color Purple’s “Nettie” (Akosua Busia) Suing HIGHER LEARNING Ex: Director JOHN SINGLETON For Their Daughter’s Tuition


Nothing but death debt can keep me from it!

Who knew that Poetic Justice director John Singleton was married to “Nettie” (from color purple) and that woman sitting on the courtroom bench watching New Jack City’s Nino Brown on the stand flipping the script and dropping a dime on everybody.

Well she has a name (Akosua Busia) and collecting hers from Singleton in a bit of poetic justice of sorts.

The couple was married in October 1996 and divorced in June 1997-just two months after the birth of their daughter who is now college-age 18 (no updated photo).john-nettie-and-daughter2

As per legal docs, the Higher Learning director promised to help pay the difference of their daughter’s tuition once returning to Ghana from California.

Now although Akosua is the daughter a former prime minister of Ghana and princess of the royal family of Wenchi, she claims she’s gone into serious debt and has had to sell personal items in order to pay for their daughter’s boarding schools in Ghana, England, and Michigan over the years.Akosua_Busia4_727550515

Talk about higher learning:

For the twelve years tuition, Akousa is seeking

$204 for the twelve years tuition

$65k for the cost of continuing education

$30k in legal fees

In Singleton’s counterclaim, he asserts that he never agreed to pay over $4k in child support and says he only makes $14k per month with $24k per month in expenses.

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .