After arresting countless women’s adoration all across social media, “California gangbanger” turned accidental model is a free agent—of sorts.
For being arrested for firearms possession (although he’s not yet free on his own Recognizance) once he is free; life, liberty and lustness for all shall begin again.
Other Side of the Fame reported to you-Meeks’ run-in with the law and lovely lighting while posing for a mugshot at Stockton California’s police department where he was being detained-which, by the time it made the news and Internet rounds; turned into an all-out oscillating frenzy: teasing, tempting, and tantalizing the lonely lusty ladies of social media who shared, liked, and lusted the 11-count felon right into accidental fame and future fortune [upon his release].
Although currently being held on $1 million bond and not able to afford to post it as of now, Meeks, 30, will be walking out of the Graybar Motel into the sunset in preparation for print and catwalk sets-a-plenty.
In addition to it being rumored that former pornstar turned agent: Blaze Model & Talent Management Gina Rodriguez inking a deal with the facially and physically inked-up Meeks, Jim Jordan (White Cross Management) has agreed to help Meeks clean up his act[ions].
Rodriguez is a Hollywood agent who represents ‘Teen Mom’ star Farrah Abraham, ‘Octomom’ Nadya Suleman, Michael Lohan, Tela Tequila, and Donald Sterling’s: V. Stivano told ABC News: “Jeremy has an amazing look and has received international attention which I feel can only help him flourish in the entertainment industry. [He]could make somewhere between $3,000 to $100,000 per month through endorsements and modeling,” she asserted.
“We are also speaking with several production companies about following Jeremy’s foray into the entertainment industry,” she adds.
Despite the viral lust spread throughout the Internet over Meeks, although Gina Rodriguez has a background in porn, she asserts: “We are by no means considering any type of porn offer,” Rodriguez told Page Six.
“Our plan is to brand Jeremy as a high-fashion model and to get him a reality-TV show to follow his foray into modeling.”
Although Meeks stands a chance of bringing that $30,000 to $100,000 a month in modeling, entertainment gigs, endorsements, and intended reality show television deal in the works, his defense attorney: Tai Bogan, doesn’t feel Meeks is ready for his national television debut as yet.
This past Wednesday, he filed a motion asking the judge to bar cameras from the courtroom during Meeks’ hearing on July 8-fearing photos of Meeks being
shackled in-dressed in county cloth would “prejudice the jury pools”
….by tainting the modelesque mugshot of Meeks being spread across the Internet, thus, psychologically keeping an image in their minds as him being merely a common criminal…two-stepping in to the courtroom in shackles into his element (versus the good looking model-to-be…………….contingent upon the jury pool being like the Internet: bamboozled, lead stray and run-amuck by the blue-eyed bandit’s good looks and see-through eyes).
Meeks’ attorney asserts: “If it wasn’t for his fame, I wouldn’t have had as much of an issue with the media being there.”
Meek’s, husband, and father of a three year-old asserts: “Well I appreciate the attention, but I just want them to know that this is really not me, I’m not some kingpin.”