MediaToEmail: How To Turn the (Books/Movie/Music) Industry into an Organization

MediaToEmail (the draft/plan)®

Back story / context

Once upon a time not long ago, (in 2011, before Apple gained the traction that it has today, Amazon took over like it does today)

I wrote up (in extensive detail) a way the ONLY way (established and/or SERIOUS) artists, actors and writers was going to be able to beat Internet technology without enslaved to companies and the powers that be—while being able to maintain the level of star status they worked for and have total control over their work from being “tarantula-ized” like such through the lose and never ending ends to technology.

As ambitious (and costly) as the invention is, it is the only way to beat the Amazon‘s, the Apple’s, the Spotify’s and streaming services and such.

You see, the industries (movies, books, music media)…instead of coming together and consolidating and building its own IntRAnet (by which to distribute its media), failed in the business department when social media intertwined with the Internet.

Via the IntRAnet, I was proposing, fans of books, music, and movies would have had to sign up on this Intranet to gain access to personal email accounts with unlimited storage and by way of this, they would have access to a library of all their media from anywhere at any time but by way of this Intranet. To be able to contain the media and its distribution was the ONLY way the industry could have won the Internet.

But the industry took off running and seeing social media as a “free market” of sorts…in that access to their audience was right at their fingertips when little did [the industry know] not taking care of the business of the consolidation and movies, books and music (INDUSTRY WIDE), that “free market” turned on the industry—as did millions upon billions dollars and works stolen was made possible to be stolen away with.

The door was wide open. When (via the Internet) social media forced celebrities to have to get down here with their fans who (now have COUNTLESS options) to access their works AND become stars themselves when technology leveled the playing field–putting them at the mercy of their fans in more ways than one, like never before.

I saw this whole thing happening longgggg before entertaining the thought of it being so was considered. Now, the industry is lost in the sauce on this and these companies basically came through a wide open door and made people’s works a free market.

Without consolidation and making sure music, book, and music media was sold from 1 technology (that its artists could be a community on like social media) and oversee (with its fans coming on to it;) it became too much to keep up with, and keep and eye on. They handed the lure of their ‘starpower’ over to Twitter. Their media over to Facebook, streaming companies, and the Amazon’s and such. Everything that (once upon a time) was mysteriously sacred, contained, revered and up-up- and away, is now scattered, stretched, common and commonplace.

From a BUSINESS standpoint—to be able to beat Internet technologies channels of distribution-consolidation and containment was necessary. And the industries failed itself and the artists. The Amazon’s, Apple’s, Spotify’s and such only took what was hanging out there and handed right over to them made available to them.

At any rate, you can check out part of that technology invention draft here.

Broken down by books, movies and music, it contained a COMPLETE step by step breakdown of how to commandeer and take over-own the platform and have the fans, the customers and Internet come to it, versus it being scattered about and(now) at the mercy of the Amazon’s  Spotify’s, iTunes and the fans. AND the importance of understanding the difference between an industry vs. an organization and how the Internet and tech gurus were much to big a power for the industry to survive its power–without organizing.

Prince tried to tell the industry a lonnngg time ago before these companies got traction. NOBODY paid attention and he was alone in that fight. The industry was out here too busy chasing their fans and playing around on tech gurus turf when the fans (and the world) should have been on a worldwide industry platform’s timeline, buying their music, movie and books there, and having a library account there owned by the industry. Everybody in the media are scrapping, backbiting and scared and fighting scarcity because it’s not organized.

Prince was busy making sure his fans and these tech gurus didn’t get him.

The industry was suppose to consolidate and play like Prince. I merely drafted the manifesto of how to do it.




ref: technology

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .