LINKEDIN Member? Your Info May Be Sold On The Online Black Market – What You Need To Do

LinkedInLetterIn 2012 popular, professional connections site LinkedIn experienced a security breach in which millions of its members were potentially at risk, when hackers hacked into the site.

Although it was originally though to be under control such that members would in no way, be affected by the breach, reportedly-as announced by the site this week-the breach very well may have compromised user’s privacy than originally thought—should the same email used to access the site be the very same one members used from 2012 to (this) date.

That particular group of users may have gotten a message this week assuring them the LinkedIn staff is on guard and monitoring the site “and the Internet,” to keep user’s account safe and secure.

Admitting the breach happened at the hands of outside and unknown sources, the site admins suggest that users reset their passwords at log on to the site.

As well, if you are one of the users whose used the same email account associated with your LinkedIn profile since 2012, it might be a good idea to change your password to that particular email address as, this breach could further extend past LinkedIn’s infrastructure and may now be compromising the security of [that particular] email account without needing to hack into it. Instead, just by logging on to your email account, hackers could walk right in to whatever information you have in there.

According to, via an online black market known as “The Real Deal,” CNNMoney reported these hackers are “selling 117 million LinkedIn passwords.”

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .