LIL’ KIM Is Finally “Kimmy” Reveals New Face + Why Her Drastic Changes Are Our Fault Too

Lil Kims new face versus thenIt may be all the coincidence that Me and Mrs. Jones singer Billy Paul died yesterday-the same day that rapper Miss Jones herself (a.k.a) Lil’ Kim officially killed off the “me” in the her that once was—revealing a completely different face than even the gradual facial changes she stayed the subject of .

Born Kimberly Jones and starting out on the rap scene as Lil’ Kim, the former Junior Mafia (slash) Notorious B.I.G protégé started out on the rap scene in the mid 90s as a quintessential risqué female rap artist but with one problem: Causing mouths to drop and disses that the essential part need not be applied to her.

She did however, break barriers-putting “sexy” in the game of female rap in a more brazen kind of way the rap industry wasn’t used to hearing from a girl.

Fast forward, after having lost her protégé (slash) former lover (Biggie Smalls a.k.a B.I.G a.k.a Frank White) for a while there, emotionally, things had slipped with the rap artist yet, she managed to step out on her own, with two solo efforts since his death: (the underrated) Notorious K.I.M. (2005) and LaBella Mafia (2003).

Although Lil’ Kim has undergone several career, emotional, and obvious physical transformations, despite the punches thrown her way, she’s rolled with them.Lil Kim 2016

This time however (last night), Lil’ Kim, a.k.a Kimmy Blanco, a.k.a Queen Bee, a.k.a Miss Frank White introduced the world to “Kimmy” who (let the Internet wags tell it): looks like some white girl who killed Lil’ Kim and showed up on social media pretending to be her.

Rather than denying the obvious (that she no longer can belabor) Kim fought back with posting her very own old Lil’ Kim pics:

You know, this subject about Lil’ Kim has been going on for quite some time now and obviously, no matter what anyone thinks, she (obviously) sees something that we all don’t (or didn’t). And these are her decisions to change somethings she saw she wanted to change.

Whether this be an excessive amount of makeup or actual plastic surgery overhaul), obviously (given such a drastic change-this time), when she posted those pics last night, she felt like this was the look that despite all knowing isn’t the old her-is the best “new” her that she’s presented.


The way she did this reveal, it’s painfully obvious she feels this way about this new drastic face and changes.

Although this subject would require more time than I’m willing to blog about or have time for right now, I must say this: Everybody

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .