The Internet v. Your Inner Net

The Internet is the new “spiritual”–filled with people with self-proclaimed titles, lives lived and daily living that you really have no proof of.

Even people who claim to be “of God”/ “on fire for God” are sick of waiting on Jesus and looking for Messiahs in people.

People themselves are making daily Messiahs of people.

Writings on a wall and on paper always looks good.

You: hang on to you and yours and be strong in the spirit of yourself, by trusting + knowing yourself…you had better….

All this Internet sh!t is not facts, altruistic, all true, and coming from all sincere people and places with your best interest in heart and mind. It is merely their head, their souls, their life sh!t and their opinions-not YOUR life, your soul and your head sh!t.

Alongside our new/information age insatiable desires for money, fame and even mere attention; being seen and too-being seen by who you are seen by is soul gold for a lot of people. They will tell you anything for it-for, they do not have to be held accountable for what they publicly take away (or add) to you .

Those being the cases, hold on to your ego, your head, and what you know is true of and about you. Don’t let the real, tangible world [that can be held accountable for what it says and does] shock startle you.

Don’t let your inner-net be disillusioned by the Internet.

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .