We’ve all heard the saying “doing the same thing/s over and over and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.”
Although true, as well, that very quote is the prime reason that makes “overthinking” necessary (in order to pull back from the usual and tune up our thinking and beings).
I say that because actually doing the same right things repeatedly/day after day is what’s necessary for success in personal, creative or professional life as, the elements involved in just those things involve or indirect action, thinking, planning and rituals that often times have totally NOTHING to do with the elements involved in the things we do for our personal, or creative or professional lives. It’s often times the inadvertent and unrelated rituals and things we do that aide in the success of what we do for our [personal, creative or professional lives].
Like a change in lifestyle-by adapting to…let’s say clean eating or a routine exercise regimen (for a healthy life), there is a certain amount of insanity and obsession we have to take on in our to train our brains to (in this order)-tell our minds, bodies, and souls that ‘this’ is what we want included in what we do as much a daily part of ‘us’ as breathing is—and eventually, by habit automatic/unconscious habit it becomes very much apart of us.
That being said, it doesn’t happen overnight, right?
According to Christine DesMarais, the short operative word all the above is: consistency: On a daily basis, all things that form daily habits that help us get ahead in business and life.
And what Christine DesMarais did was gather a list of daily habits of 30 CEO’s (and explained).
I will simply list them but too, I do want to place special emphasis on what I firmly believe (and wrote about-about things like this).
Like Twitter, for instance. It’s easy when you’ve already arrived/met your goal in life (and especially making a complete, and full living off it) to talk a literal “good” game when life is better/different for you than it was during the struggle or climb.
That said, like mere 140 character quotes from these types that run amok: There was no Twitter or social media during lots of people’s struggles and climb, so it’s easy to spwe the good stuff and tell people what they should be doing. And (for me) while I do appreciate knowing what the successful and “already there” ’s are doing, still, I want to know if these were the VERY same rituals and things they were doing (during the hustle and terrain before the arrival and flow)-that’s the part we never hear. We always hear the bunking on the couch, selling out trunks, prototyping processes out of garage stories wayyyyyy after the fact but it’s precisely the bumps along that way that TOO, helped make them as successfully as the advice and “you should do’s” that they offer (spew, quote or tweet)
along they way after the fact.
No one bares their process, souls, and rituals (if any) during the struggle.
I don’t know about for you, but I’m just as curious (and interested) to know that part as I am about what you’re telling me is your ritual for you (after the storm).
At any rate, here is the list/compilation of rituals/habits and routines of a total of 3o CEO’s. Let’s see if one (or all) fits into your lifestyle now for the greater later:
SURPRISINGLY, I must say, this is a pretty good, general list that even after I combed through it, I found that out of the 30 on the list, I wasn’t doing (at all) or not consistently doing about 5. So I guess 25 out of 30 is pretty good.
Grab a pen and paper and