GOFUNDME, Go Fall Back: Why Cinnamon Nicole’s Lottery Recoupment Campaign Should In DEED Be Funded

online crowd funding account with GoFundMe to recoup the monies she lost in all the hoopla stating:


Please help me and my family as we have exausted all of our funds. We spent all of our money on lottery tickets (expecting to win the 1.5 billion) and are now in dire need of cash. With your small donation of at least $1.00, a like  and one share, I’m certain that we will be able to pick ourselves up from the trenches of this lost and spend another fortune trying to hit it big again! PLEASE, won’t you help a family in need. DONATE NOW.

[end quote]

It’s like they say: “Closed mouths don’t get fed,” and “Fortune favors the brave.”screen-shot-2016-01-15-at-1-31-07-pm

Well I’ll have you know that within seven hours, Cinnamon Nicole received about $800 and since then-her GoFundMe account was suspended and taken down.

While I agree with some comments that “she should have spent her money more wisely” in the first place, I still have a problem with GoFundMe taking down the account.

If people wish to fund this lady’s campaign then let it be.

This isn’t the first time I’ve heard of GoFundMe suspending accounts with odd or brazen campaign requests. I’m totally against that. It’s a form of social currency censorship that shouldn’t be.

If people are bold (or shameless) enough to ask for such things, GoFundMe, in my opinion-GoFundMe should go fall back.

While GoFundMe is their business, who funds thee is none of their business.

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .