{#Ferguson} Despite Ongoing Unrest, On Monday #MIKEBROWN Will Be Laid To Rest



OTHER SIDE OF THE FAME PhotoCredit _APA makeshift memorial lay in the middle of the street where Mike Brown was gunned down.

After ten days of ongoing unrest, he will finally be laid to rest.

10407234_10154510517660722_1837633741041622188_nThe autopsy report confirmed that the teen was shot “by at least” six bullets including two to his head, according to a former New York City medical examiner. The second (private) autopsy conducted by Michael M. Baden this past Sunday, August 17, stated the two shots to Mike Brown’s head/brain were likely the cause of death.

Bu7l2pECYAIuu1iAccording to our sources, funeral services for 18 year-old Mike Brown (killed by an on duty cop on Saturday, August 9, 2014) are planned for Monday, August 25, 2014.

The exact time and location not yet revealed (according to Brown family attorney Benjamin Crump).

The shooting of the unarmed 6′ 4” 295 pound teen at the hands of Ferguson police officer “Darren Wilson” sparked days of looting-turned rioting, turned peaceful protests to date.

FERGUSON OTHER SIDE OF THE FAME _PHOTO CHARLIE RIEDEL APHowever, police have resorted to using tear gas, disturbingly loud sound projectors and other means of war-like materials in an effort to deter demonstrators.

REBELLED_RETAILIATED _FERGUSONSome have returned fire with Molotov cocktails and other man-made recyclables.

Missouri race riotGiven the volatility of the situation, Missouri Governor Jay Nixon deployed the Army National Guard to assist in crowd control during this time which has gone on into its tenth day.


Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .