DJ E-Z ROCK Dead At 46

download (9)  Harlem Rapper a.k.a DJ E-Z Rock died on Sunday at the age of 46 (pictured left).

download (7)  Along with rapper Rob Base, DJ E.Z Rock was ½ of the rap duo best known for the 80’s hit song “It Takes Two [To Make a Thing Go Right]” and their follow-up smash: “Joy and Pain.”

download (8)The death was confirmed by Rob base, but no further details were given.

If you remember, Other Side of the Fame , was just writing up a story about Pharrell, who mentioned (and played) during his interview, a few songs that inspired him to be where he was today.

“It Takes Two” was on that list. He spoke of it around the :32 mark here:




Our condolences to his friends, family, other loved ones, and other half: Rob Base.



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Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .