(regarding Damon Wayans’ “harsh” statements about the situation):
- RELATIONSHIP/OF ‘LIKE’ KIND: He (Damon Wayans), like Bill Cosby, is a comedian and too, most probably looked at Cosby as a mentor, inspiration and as having paved the way for, and opened the door for him to be the successful comedian that he is, too. (In considering the last quote as shown on page 1, Wayans feels that (with the help of comedian Hannibal Buress) Bill Cosby was targeted when his defenses were down and the black community just turned on him–‘Willie Lynch’ style (an urban legend methodology thought to have been used to turn black people against each other) after Bill Cosby tore his ass with the black community with HIS harsh statements about black youth
- CELEBRITY/FAMILIARITY/TRUST: Bill Cosby was trusted and very much apart of my generation’s childhood (The Cosby Show) and too, earned Damon Wayans’ generation (our parent’s) trust (i.e. the voice and creator behind cartoon character/series’, did Jello pudding commercials with children, and was the patriarch of the most popular family show in American popular culture) so for that reason, I can understand how it is very hard to fathom that “Bill Cosby,” “Dr. Huxtable,”(slash) “Fat Albert,” and “Little Bill’s” creator would “rape” and take advantage of women.
- THE WORD “RAPE” SOUNDS LIKE IT SHOULD BE A KNOCK DOWN, DRAG OUT VERB: Although “rape” is rape-in that, at the point a woman either says ‘no’ or is incapacitated such that her ability to say ‘no’ is impaired-under circumstances where intimate/private moments took place, the WORD “rape” tends to play our in the human mind: this knock down, drag out situation where a rape victim is in distress and being overpowered physically and held against her will. Unfortunately, when a woman is “raped” under circumstances where her capacity to make the decision to say ‘no’ was taken from her, it is easy to question the woman—for having been in an intimate situation that got her in the predicament in the first place.
WE LIVE IN AN IMAGE-OBSESSED SOCIETY AND THESE WOMEN HAVE ALL AGED SINCE THE RAPE ALLEGATIONS (ALLEGEDLY?) HAPPENED: Although people are taking this serious, the fact of the matter is, each and every one of these woman have aged. Beverly Johnson gets the advantage because she was a model, “black don’t crack” and she knows just how to age well. That’s the ‘harsh’ reality of this very serious situation. But the fact of [the deposition’s matter] is Andrea Constand was raped, and 50+ other women are alleging to have been raped as well (regardless if in 2015) they don’t “look rapeable.” Unfortunately (like I mentioned about the New York Times cover story), all accusers and the photographer missed their chance at (per my opinion) an even more profound photo shoot-had they all sat out on the steps of a New York brownstone (like that of having belonged to the fictional “Cosby Show” family). But just that like photographic moment missed, unfortunately, these women didn’t (or shouldn’t?) have to be deemed “rapeable” by taking a picture of themselves next to their (then) photos (from around the time when the alleged rapes occurred, either)…
In considering the comedian’s harshness of his statements (as quoted in the first 5 quotes begin write-up), it’s obvious he was being a comedian while too (like a drunken man’s sober thoughts); saying what he truly felt.
But, seriously and sincerely, toward the end of the interview he states [that] he felt bad for the women who may have actually been raped by Cosby, having expressed [quote]:
“And for them, my heart goes out to them. For anybody who was raped by Bill Cosby, I’m sorry, and I hope you get justice.”
[end quote]
It’s obvious that after his insensitive statements–delivered like only a comedian (or clown) could do (meaning): Mean something, but deliver it with a special brand of humor (like a clown), or feel one thing but wear a painted on smile
…underneath it all, he said what he felt. I get it, though.
As a die-hard a fan of the Wayans clan (and having grown up on he and his family’s comedic genius), dashed with a mixture of all that I explained in the 4 points (page 2), it doesn’t take a head detective
…to listen to/read into this.
Even as insensitive and irresponsible as it seems–his words (as quoted in the first five quotes from page 1), the fact of the matter (about those words) is that it’s nothing more or less than comedic banter—stuff that comedians do (despite as “harsh” and insensitive as the words were)–like they do on stage to people in the front rows.
Although it doesn’t make his delivery right (or necessarily wrong); the fact of the matter is: we all