Category: CH2: Offbeat News, Our World & The People Of It

This channel is strictly for links to other site’s blogs, articles and write-ups regarding all things mind/body/spirit as chosen by AnG for your information.

Posted in ALL write-ups, blogs, and pods at CH2: Offbeat News, Our World & The People Of It Entertainment: When Stars or Fans Get Out of Hand

Nobel Peace Prize For Trump Despite Peace He Disrupted

Bless her heart. She was just a naturally grandiose woman who…was not so excessive and extra that she was annoying;…

Posted in ALL write-ups, blogs, and pods at CH2: Offbeat News, Our World & The People Of It

This Just In: INDIA Claims To Have ZIKA VIRUS Vaccine

  In case you didn’t know, India has been working overtime garnering attention to its country that for many, for…

Posted in ALL write-ups, blogs, and pods at CH2: Offbeat News, Our World & The People Of It

Daallo Airlines Flight D3159 Explodes Mid-Air, Sucks Passenger Out

  It’s one thing to fear flying (airplanes). It’s another thing to have been an American having experienced New York…