Category: CH2: Offbeat News, Our World & The People Of It
This channel is strictly for links to other site’s blogs, articles and write-ups regarding all things mind/body/spirit as chosen by AnG for your information.
Nice Attack French BASTILLE DAY Driver Known To Police & Described As, Impolite, “Weird Loner” + 2 American Among 84 Dead – 200 Injured Bastille Day festivities in Nice, France turned out to be anything but “nice.” Bastille Day is traditionally a July…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago
Three Norfolk Virginia Men Suffer Blood-Curdling Multiple Gunshot Wounds While On Facebook Live
A young man and his two friends, all between the ages of 27 to 29, get shot multiple times while…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago
Taking A Bow: 29 Year-Old Matador Killed in Bullfight
Welp. Taking heed (and a bow, indeed). flips hat One entry on my bucket list has retired and officially…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago