Category: Music: Pop Culture
RIHANNA’s Current Situation: Shooting New (Mystery) Video + Rumor Has It That (On the Low) RIHANNA’s Got Bad Blood (Or Plasma Perhaps), For TAYLOR SWIFT – Is This The Diss? What this video is about-we have no idea. Rumors are swirling however, that Rihanna has…
OSFMagWriter 10 years ago
MADONNA Enlists Stripping Nuns For ‘REBEL HEART’ Tour Video & Solicits A Severe Tongue Lashing By “THE TALK”
If even before social media was invented, Madonna would blaspheme upset the church like she did in her 1988 Like…
OSFMagWriter 10 years ago
Risky Business: TOM CRUISE & JIMMY FALLON Go Head to Head In Lip Sync Battle + Hear ROLLING STONES Song FALLON Did Used For MICK JAGGER & MICHAEL JACKSON’s Vintage Pop Hit “State of Shock”
What did Jimmy Fallon think!? Tom Cruise has been-there done-that! As you may well know right now, Tom…
OSFMagWriter 10 years ago