It’s something that just doesn’t quite…sit well with hearing:
“Pied Piper”
“Black Panties”
…even in the lure, land, lyrics, and line from whence those come: R. Kelly; that concoction doesn’t sound like a good thing.
“Black Panties” and a jail cell is the last thing the self-proclaimed “Pied-Piper”
wants to think about right now according to the New York Post-who reports that Kelly is facing jail time for failing to meet his child support obligations by which he has a court appearance scheduled for March 27
[that too, involves custody issues that his lawyers feel he may not show up to-because of].
Lawyers fear that Kelly may not show up on March 27 for several reasons:
- -he didn’t show up for his November court hearing this past November 2013
- -he currently owes the law firm (representing him) a considerable amount of money
- -even since not showing up this past November, R. Kelly has been unreachable
…so with those (literal) aggravating and mitigating factors alone, there is no reason to assume, hope or pray that by some miracle; R. Kelly is just going to magically appear to a court hearing this coming March 27.
R. Kelly has three children with his ex-wife: Andrea Kelly of “VH1’s Hollywood Exes-former
dancer for the superstar and eventual wife, who since divorcing him; has been establishing her
own identity separate from him—despite
never having been in the limelight and forefront of the public even while with the sexy crooner (who himself, outside of his past allegations) has always been very private.
Reportedly, Andrea filed court papers on February 13, 2013 stating that Kelly was in arrear and failed to pay the $20k per month in child support (for all three of their children).
Last year, allegedly, the “12-Play” singer had fallen behind on payments to the tune of around 100k and had since, made good on his obligations [until having fallen back again-this time].
According to reports, it was told to Andrea Kelly’s reps that if her ex-husband R. Kelly did not show up to the hearing this time around, he was facing a possible 30 days to six months jail term-considering the fact that he didn’t show up to his hearing this past November (by which the judge who “wasn’t very happy” about it-will be presiding over this upcoming March 27th hearing).
With a lawyer who is due monies from R. Kelly-who has not been seen or heard from and “made himself totally unreachable,” it was reported that if he doesn’t surface soon the law firm representing him will be withdrawing from the case altogether [from the child support and as well-the custody legal battle].
Over the years, the reclusive singer has been plagued with financial debts by which, too, he was in debt with the IRS and as well, had his home auctioned off this year due to unpaid mortgage.
The talented, platinum-selling, multi-Grammy winning, musical impresario having sold over 40 million albums throughout the span over his career, also owes monies to people who worked with him on his most recent album:
For many, it was considered to be his comeback album and actually did well-having debuted at Number 4 on the Billboard 200 Charts and too, was his first full-length R&B album in years.
Let’s just hope he comes back and all goes well for him, and all involved, in all this.
We wrote a story about a supposed tour with R. Kelly and singer Mary J. Blige that was supposed occur this 2014 and still-no word yet from Mary’s camp as to whether or not this was true.