cold cell).
That was two years ago (June 15, 2013) in Burleston, south Fort Worth Texas.
…Now keep in mind that if Anderson Cooper (the son and heir of 60s/70 fashion designer Gloria Vanderbilt), had a hard time stomaching “Affluenza…” that’s a problem—a big problem.
If anybody grew up rich and privileged and should know a little bit about “Affluenza,” it certainly would be Anderson Cooper as, Gloria Vanderbilt (the Versace/Hilfiger/”True Religion”of her time), gave Calvin Klein a run for its money and Sasoon and Jordache (jeans) a tough time trying to keep up with the swan labeled designer jeans connoisseur.
And as you can see on the videos, not even Anderson agreed/was understanding of such silliness. But somehow, the defense of it worked well in the court of law in Texas and (despite the 20 years prosecutors pushed for) Ethan Couch got off on 10 years probation. And part of the stipulation and condition of that probation prohibited the use of alcohol.
Call it a direct result of his “Affluenza” (or an under developed front lobe), it wouldn’t be too long before the (now 18 year-old) teen would be caught on tape surrounded by multiple red cups of alcohol playing beer pong.
A search was put out on Ethan when, since the video, he went missing and failed to show up to see his probation officer. Gone missing with him was his enabler (his mom) who, for almost a month now, had officials on the hunt for them both.
The mother-son duo were found and apprehended in New Mexico and are and are expected being extradited back to Texas where Couch will face the 10 years he once had on probation, in jail-(contingent on expert testimony proving that it was indeed him on the pong playing video tape) and/or for the fact he violated his probation by fleeing the state, either way.
“Atchoo” (for influenza) not “Affluenza.”
That’s bullsh/t and this country’s legal system is functionally retarded for even considering such a defense.
On the flip side of this all (and having first, when running after ‘practical’ over a creative life) majored in criminal justice / corrections with interest in forensics, the system most probably allowed this very much so because of money but too, relying on the heavily well known trap of criminology known as recidivism rate: Where, once you are seen before a judge for something (and on the books), it’s like an ominous cloud over head. The rate of recidivism (you returning) for the same (or different charges) is statistically very high.
You will be back.
Knowing he was as privileged as he was, under 27, and still in the midst of the socially promiscuous age of indiscretion; they already knew he would violate his probation before the 10 year punishment was over and his name off the books.
Fortunately, nobody got hurt when he violated this time (except for whoever had the daunting task of cleaning up that beer pong mess).