Michael Jackson heir and beloved baby girl Paris Jackson, 17 was spotted out in Sherman Oaks sporting a short, cropped hair cut (dyed orange). While that ‘concerned’ many, the fact that she was smoking a cigarette and had rolled paper currency stuck behind her ear-sent tongues wagging.

Well yous all know that Michael’s kids: Paris and her brothers Blanket and Prince spent a great majority of their childhood literally shielded from public view as, Michael fought tooth and nail doing what he could to keep his kids from being raked across the coals by fans and the media.
Growing up, Paris remembers all too well the disrespect and hurt Michael suffered at the very same (media) public who seemed to have an incessant love-hate for him.
All grown up now, she’s on guard and will NOT allow fans and the media to control her every move.
It was just earlier this month, Jackson took to her social media page and read her fairweather fans the riot act about putting her under pressure about responding back to their vile and vowels-spewing some scathing words at them all-explaining [that] she was busy girl with AA meetings and family obligation to tend to that take up a lot of her mind and time.
This is f—king ridiculous. i am expected to literally sit on my ass all day replying to comments people leave me (positive and negative)? i have aa meetings to go to. family obligations. PERSONAL obligations. its so f—king selfish that i am literally attacked on every f—king thing i post just because people that i DONT EVEN KNOW aren’t getting what they want. I don’t know any of you.
That being said, regardless the opinions of all (who don’t even know her) that are ‘concerned’ at the fact that a 17 year-old died her hair orange and was seen out smoking a cigarette can pretty much slow your roll. Paris asserts that your role in her life will NOT be like the fair-weather fans and media who she witnessed rip her famous, late father and King of Pop who, outside of his genius that couldn’t be denied-got treated less than kingly.
I appreciate the love and support, but the expectations are f—king ridiculous. the expectations for my DAD were f—king ridiculous. he didn’t owe you anything, yet he was ripped to shreds DAILY. i will not let that happen to me.
So say what yous want to say about Paris Jackson, her orange hair and nicotine habit because she has no f__ks to give about what anybody says about her-just to let yous know.
She’s just being 17 and died her hair orange no different than at 17 you or I died our hair Dark & Lovely “honey blonde,” Clairol “blue-black,” or Loreal auburn and/or developed cigarette smoking habit, too.
…So carry on guys.