As confirmed by the owner and although later found to be untrue, it was first reported by our friends over at TerMiteZ—that Jay Z and Solange “went looking for jewelry together Tuesday afternoon at a high-end NYC jewelry store” called Mr. Flawless [the day after the Manic Monday the video tape of Solange manic and mauling Jay Z in that elevator]. One true/fact is that Jay Z however and Beyonce were indeed seen courtside at the Nets game the day after (and during) the manic Monday through Tuesday media frenzy.
For those of us who know how the great damage control cleanup goes in the world of show business, by now already, all publicists and other fixers ought to know that Scandal has changed the game on the average fan being fooled by the seemingly calm after (and during) the storm. Liv directed Fitz and Mel and one time too many on how to present themselves for the public after (and during) many-a-scandals—but they, we’ll watch, (and blog) about all these elaborate displays. No problem, we’ll cooperate. At any rate. While the fixers were-a-busy fixing rumors about Jay Z possibly being Ike Turner II [and Beyonce-Tina], the focus was turned to
Solange’s obvious night of chronic PMS’ing—as rumors were running amok that, that same May 5 night she had several arguments and run-ins with several other people including her pal designer,
Rachel Roy [with whom just two MET Gala events prior, she had attended with].
As well, there were several other theories, “close source” and “first-hand” knowledge-rs’ reasons for Solange putting the smack down on Jay Z which eventually turned Tuesday into Solange Day–so much so that by day’s end Tuesday, it was rumored she was invited to spoof it on SNL this coming Saturday,
and by today (Wednesday, May 14); she made the front cover of The New York Post and Daily News having being referred to as “crazy,” “bezerk,” and (the) “twisted sister.” Additionally, it was being reported (then found untrue) that on [Solange Day Tuesday], Solange had taken to her Instagram account and meticulously deleted all her pictures of Beyonce. Meanwhile, back at the ranch (and as if this
terribly sincere, real, empathetic, concerned, expression on Beyonce’s face didn’t suffice-because it sure as heavens registered with me as such), Beyonce posted several pics of she and Solange-making manifest the words: “a picture is worth a thousand words” by showing support and solidarity of her sister in pictures.
Notably as well, it’s been circulating all over social media and dually noted that both Beyonce and Jay Z got their matching ‘IV’ tattoos removed from their wedding fingers.
(The ‘IV’ Roman numeral symbol was scared to the couple as both their birthdays are on the 4th of separate months and as well, their wedding date/anniversary-on the 4th of another).
Notably as well, it’s been circulating all over social media and dually noted that both Beyonce and Jay Z got their matching ‘IV’ tattoos removed from their wedding fingers. (The ‘IV’ Roman numeral symbol was scared to the couple as both their birthdays are on the 4th of separate months and as well, their wedding date/anniversary-on the 4th of another). The Internet (and blogs) are known to piece together bits and pieces of information and speculating what may or may not be true, and considering the fact that Beyonce posted this passage on her Instagram earlier this month (and all this considered recently + leaking out), everyone is wondering if something has infiltrated the Carter.
Because according to reports leaking through the cracks this week, on the Superbowl night that Beyonce’s performance power put the lights of the stadium out, some kind of wrangle reminiscent of Manic Monday occurred behind the scenes. Now having come to light this week among Manic Monday and all of May’s media/press here lately, folks are speculating the once bright light that surrounded the Carter’s may be dimming and that there’s lots of adhesive holding things together for the sake of the On the Run ,but behind closed curtains, are possibly going separate ways.