SHANE MOSLEY’s Girlfriend Suffers ReperCUFFsion At The Hand of His Opponent RICARDO MAYORGA

mayorgaGrowing up in the hood–things got crafty. Where there was a will, there was a way.

It reminded me of a scene like when we were kids: If two people were about to throw down (street/hood fight), but both fighters weren’t really “fighters” (scared); the only way to get the fight popping off was to have a 3rd /disinterested party step up and place a little branch on the shoulders of both “fighters”–and whoever knocked the other’s off—that meant they “took first lick”/hit.

That sorta what happened with two pro fighters recently yet, one fighter’s girlfriend was “the stick.”

When preparedness meets opportunity who says you can’t be beat down the backside of your opponent’s girl’s a$$ down with ‘OPP’?

They say the best fight/boxing match happens when the fighters are good and vendetta-ready as, it’s supposed to bring out the beast in them.

Well from here on out, save the lame pre fight press conference wrangles and histrionics because it’s not enough to talk crap anymore across the table—all groping due to Shane Mosley’s opponent Ricardo Mayorga having just stepped his game up.

Shane Mosley Ricardo Mayorga II boxing rematch sport360

During a press conference for the two fighter’s upcoming fight, Mosley’s girlfriend got

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .