Search Results for: black lives matter
Social Media Black Lives Matter Front Man DERAY MCKESSON Announces Mayoral Run For City Of Baltimore
Timing is everything but when you have the urge to do something, time is both: of the essence and just…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago
I Scream, You Scream, For Ice Cream: BEN & JERRY’s Publicly Stands In Solidarity With Black Lives Mattering
I scream. Ice cream You scream. You cream For, I scream. For ice cream. Whether or not you or I…
OSFMagWriter 8 years ago
George Zimmerman’s Auctioned Murder Weapon’s Proceeds To Go Toward Fighting #BlackLivesMatter, HILLARY CLINTON & Prosecutor ANGELA COREY
The repercussions of the consequences for being acquitted for the murder is coming to roost for 17 year-old Trayvon Martin’s…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago