Would An STD Popup Amid Your Mobile Dating Hookup Kill Your Vibe? TINDER Is About To Add One To Halt Your Instantaneous, Ardent Desire, Perhaps

answered and the constant back and forth analog like form of communication, Tinder and Grindr are combining the two and making things a bit more spontaneous, perhaps.

Either way, there’s no sure-fire way to prove that via any dating method, sex is any more or less spontaneous instantaneous and casual.

I’m guess with the inclusion of the STD testing location pop-up, perhaps the foundation is hoping to act as that angel on our shoulders.


…Or serve [for those who like to go bareback and have instantaneous sex with strangers] as that libido dropper:


…sorta like during that amid anticipating that first loud scream in unison; that hot, swift, lip-quivering, voice-shaking, heated, blood-pumping/marinating, animalistic and passionate moments we’re in the middle of the thrill of going for it all the way, or at it [with a] deep, stolen away thrust, or two or….until one some body goes: “hey..hold a sec…lemme go get us a condom.”

h/t Time

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .