RIHANNA & MELISSA Getting Their ‘7/11’ On at Party During PARIS FASHION WEEK

Rihanna was spotted putting her foot up



…and waving her hands side-to-side like she ‘don’t care—to Beyonce’s 7/11 – partying it up this weekend during Paris Fashion Week with the homie Melissa—doing what they do best 🙂






..Listen. I get it.

I loveeeeeeeeee that lil song soooooooooo much. I play and dance to it everyday.

And while standing in my living room with that cup of alcohol poured in the red cup balanced between the sway of my back and buttocks as I’m throwing it back…when I perfect it (to the point where I DON’T drop that alcohol as Beyonce’s singing):beyonce_LOLOLOL

Hold that cup like alcohol,

Hold that cup like alcohol
Hold that cup like alcohol
Don’t you drop that alcohol!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Never drop that alcohol

Never drop that alcohol
I know you thinkin’ bout alcohol
I know I’m thinkin’ bout that alcohol

… (after my man get’s first dibs) you sonsers ‘gon get this work and practice made perfect.

So just wait on it, here?

BEYONCE LoL_slide up in your dms like

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .