{Out & About} Proof That Pharrell Won’t Be Wearing a Hat at Tonight’s Oscars
Getting ready for the #Oscars with my barber, the one and only @staycaked pic.twitter.com/ucrq9cf8b1 — Pharrell Williams (@Pharrell) March 2,…
OSFMagWriter 11 years ago
PAULA PATTON in Good Spirits While at the Spirit Awards
We’ve all heard about the hell of a week Robin Thicke has had with the news of his marriage to…
OSFMagWriter 11 years ago
CHRIS BROWN Diagnosed with Bi-Polar, Order to Stay in Rehab. Before We Go Judging & Labeling, in Layman Terms -Let’s Talk About it
It’s no secret that Chris Brown has been in rehab since October 29, 2013 and while in, has been behaving…
OSFMagWriter 11 years ago