SURVIVING JANET JACKSON: “Friend Request Intercepted” – The Truth the “Janet Jackson” You Think You Know
Note that (for my visual/video readers) I “illustrated” Friend Request Intercepted” he book here, on site .gif starring Yara Shahidi,…
Angela Sherice 10 years ago
I Can’t Go For That: AMANDA ASPINALL Splits From HALL & OATES’ DARYL HALL – Pop Singer Hit With Divorce Papers By British Socialite & Gambling Mogul Heiress
One half of the popular, legendary, talented 80s Pop-Soul duo “Hall and Oates”—famous for hitsrs like Maneater, and One On…
OSFMagWriter 10 years ago
Buzzing: MARK CUBAN (Allegedly) Fathered Child With Underaged Filipino Girl
This is certainly one of those stories buzzing where if I were buds with the person, I’d simply nudge ‘em…
OSFMagWriter 10 years ago