George Zimmerman’s Auctioned Murder Weapon’s Proceeds To Go Toward Fighting #BlackLivesMatter, HILLARY CLINTON & Prosecutor ANGELA COREY
The repercussions of the consequences for being acquitted for the murder is coming to roost for 17 year-old Trayvon Martin’s…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago
HEIDI CRUZ Compares TED CRUZ’s 4-Year Campaign Fight To The “25 Years It Took To Defeat Slavery”
Reparations is an order, surely now. They say when people show you their true colors-believe them and it’s obvious that…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago
” KISS’ “PAULY STANLEY Apologizes For Bandmate GENE SIMMONS’ “Pathetic” PRINCE Death Tongue Lashing + We’re His Statements As Half-Cocked As Taken?
Embarrassed by cold clueless statements re Prince's death. Without all the facts better to say nothing. My apologies…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago