{Out & About} Throwin’ Cuteness to the Wind: JESSICA SIMPSON’S AIR MAX

Jessica Simpson’s hubby (former football pro Eric Johnson) takes a stroll on the beach with their daughter Maxi. And in a candid photo moment, Johnson was captured tossing 22 month-old little Maxi up into the air like a ball, herself.

Jessica Instagrammed the photo with a caption that read: “Maxi and Daddy at the beach. Yikes and Yay. Good Lord! She has NO fear!

This moment is certainly one that goes…up as one of cutest daddy-daughter moments ever!

(But obviously this toss-up didn’t go without the scorn of some of Simpson’s followers who, according to the pic on the right, can calm down now).




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Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .