JON STEWART’S #JonVoyage Went Out With A Bang And The 2nd Highest Ratings On Television & Social Media’s Most-High Energy Nights Remarked

off in song.

Since the beginning, Jon had always introduced “your moment of Zen.”
This time, this last night however (before bringing out Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street band), he referred to this emotional moment as “my moment of Zen,” followed by songs sang by Jon’s personal request: “Land of Hope and Dreams” and “Born to Run.”

As well, restaurant chain (Arby’s–who’s long been the ‘butt’ of Jon’s jokes and accused of causing the runs), got in on last night’s action with their rendition of the Golden Girls’ themes song  ‘Thank You For Being A Friend’:


And last be not least, his longtime friend and chum, Stephen Colbert bid him farewell:


“I can’t thank the people who work here enough. I can’t thank the folk at Comedy Central enough and I can’t thank the audience enough,” he said during his signoff. “This show isn’t ending. We are merely taking a small

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .