JAMES BOND Is To White America What SUPERFLY, SHAFT, FOXY BROWN Is To Blackploitation – Why IDRIS ELBA Is NOT ‘Right’ For The Bond Franchise

given life all by hearsay versus art and Elba ever being signed on for any James Bond role-ever.

photoAlthough he has never responded to the shuns and disses of displeasure that he may play the role, he does admit that chatter and debates about it probably ruined his chances had he ever wished to anyways.

During an interview at London’s British Film Institute this past April, Elba said “Honestly, it’s a rumor that’s really starting to eat itself. If there was ever any chance of me getting Bond, it’s gone.”
Idris Elba blames current Bond actor of the franchise-Daniel Craig-for giving words of life to this Bond-Elba connection:

“Daniel Craig actually set the rumor off. About four years ago he said: ‘Idris Elba would be a great Bond,’ and then it started to creep. I blame Daniel.”

The fact of the matter is this.

This annoying emotional-knee jerk reaction to culturally sensitive subjects in art and life on social media goes wayyyy too far and gives people with wayyyyyy too much time on their hands-wayyyyyyyyy too much adieu a’do about nothing.

Cultural norms (be it in art or life) doesn’t necessarily mean rejecting the idea to reverse certain cultural norms in art is equivalent to racism in (real) life.

Although I would be VERY curious to know of Horowitz’s other [quote] black actors who would do it better [end quote]


The truth is (whether we like it or not), [the role of] James Bond is as white-American


..as Richard Roundtree and Shaft is to black America:


..as Pam Grier and Foxy Brown is to black America:


…as Ron O’Neal and Superfly is to black America:


as Susan Lucci as “Erica Kane” was to America:


as Diann Carroll as “Dominique Devereaux” was to America:


as Joan Collins as “Alexis Carrington” was to America:


…as Apple pie is to America:


…Their race (and tastes) are branded to their roles (and delicacies) to which (in looking at it the way-as I just explained) most palettes would most certainly agree (or understand).

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .