‘Is This Tuning In You Have Here Or Is This Drunken?’ JESSICA SIMPSON Appears Questionably Drunk on HSN


Jessica Simpson never lived down that hilariously awful reality show ‘blonde moment’ where (not to mention her broken English) she was eating tuna and questioned if it [what she was eating] was chicken because the can’s brand read “Chicken of the Sea.”




Although life has gone on, and both she and her and her (then) husband Nick Lachey have since moved on with their respective lives, partners, and pickneys,

…one thing still remained the same: Jessica’s still has blonde (or inebriated) moments.

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Given her previous blonde moment of old, she’s certainly a candidate for being nominated for best NEW blonde moment however, wags are whispering that she was ‘blowed’ rather than just “blonde” during her appearance on HSN with Colleen Lopez last night promoting jeans from her latest clothing line.

During the televised segment, where (in addition to her speech being slurred), her quips that flew were off kilter, she giggled uncomfortably and teetered back and forth—unable-to-stand-straight..ably.





Needless to say, she made it through but it was such that looking back and forth at the timer and Simpson would have made your eyes + God tired from praying that she could make it through without making HSN history.



At any rate.




I’m with Jessica because well, “I’m With You.” It’s my FAVORITE song by her because it’s a personal a “snapchat” of me and peek into my life’s diary. Enjoy!

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .