To Chris Brown, “these h03s aint loyal” but if you drop an ‘l’ between the ‘o’ and the ‘e’, those things are [loyal], I guess.
In what’s looking like a private sexual act gone public that (I’m guessing will soon go viral and become the male version of twerking), singer Chris Brown and rapper Kevin Gates are trailblazing [what’s sure to be] a new
bile vile trend: Bragging about ones salad-tossing cunniligus bunnilugus prowess on social media-for all the world to see.
Good news for the girls involved (I guess), her face doesn’t even have to be seen-because it’s in the pillow-a$$ up.
Famously known for being able to cut a mean rug with his slick, slithering dance moves; Brown opted to let us all in on his slick and slithering moves he does in private.
Although since first posting it he removed the pic, but social media’s mouths and reputation for having the fastest fingers can’t be matched.
According to talk of the Internet, Chris was (obviously) rather…“inspired” by rapper Kevin Gates who has gone on record and put out to the world of social media-his love of [quote] “eating booty” [unquote].
They say those who watch and mock you the most are the ones who are most in attendance of you and/or wish do/be just like you right?
Well, Chris Brown made a mockery of the same video [of rapper Kevin Gates’ proud put-out, prowess and love poop-chute eating] and not to be outdone and in an effort to out-twerk Gates, Chris Brown put a pic up of himself: actually doing what Kevin Gates has gone on record for saying [he does].
These holes aint loyal.